The Wawel brand has trusted us, once again, by commissioning ROXX to develop and run the Wawel loyalty program – Z miłości do radości (From love to joy).
This unique initiative not only engages those who love chocolate sweetness, but also helps to implement serious CSR objectives. At the end of the proprietary campaign, Wawel will donate a total of 1.5 million PLN to selected charities. The choice of the charitable foundation which will receive the largest donation depends directly on each participant of the program – simply register on the campaign page and cast your vote.
Our team programmed the whole back-end of the campaign with lightning speed using our proprietary content management system.
We are responsible for the comprehensive implementation on the technology side, for developing the mechanics of all the functionalities, for the application security, and for the on-going service and maintenance consisting in improving the system, analysing the statistics, and reporting to the Company Board.
Unusually this time, the graphics and front-end development were the responsibility of our friends at YOHO agency.
Register now to win prizes and do good while eating chocolate!